
Friday, September 16, 2011

Outdoor Fall Decor

Fall is definitely here! I broke out my arm warmers this morning {it was 45 degrees out when I left, woohoo!} and I even wore socks. I love, love, love fall!!

I haven't really had time yet, but I can't wait to get my house decorated for fall, including the outdoors. That's on my list of things to do this weekend {along with watching LOTS of football!} My "outdoor inspiration" board on Pinterest has a lot of really cute ideas, so I thought I'd share some inspiration with you. I think of this as my visual "to do" list.

I'm completely in love with a lot of things in this photo {and this has to be one of my most "repinned" pins on Pinterest} The wire "Welcome" is very similar to something I've been doing on gifts for awhile now on a much smaller scale {and they normally say things like, "Baby" or "Merry"}. I'd never thought of doing something like that on a large scale, but I might just try it. The wreath on the door {LOVE that door, by the way} is something I've been meaning to make with some leafy garlands I have left over from my wedding decor. I love the jars hanging from the coat rack, and that bench is amazing {but I can almost guarantee it's out of my price range}.

Here's another fun one. I love the idea of painting on pumpkins rather than carving them, even though I love to carve up a good jack-o-lantern. That vintage wheel barrow is adorable too!

The square wreath here is really unique {I love square wreaths for fall & winter} and I love the table of pumpkins. It looks pretty casual, which I like...though I don't know of anyone who has a random table of pumpkins at their front door just by chance.

There's a lot I love about this photo as well. I've been meaning to paint a welcome mat for our front door {the door the dogs don't use, so hopefully it wouldn't get destroyed immediately}. I also love how they stood a hay bale on end for more height with the decor. I probably won't be doing that, given my recent {18 months ago but still terrifying} experience with hay bales and snakes.

There's a lot of inspiration on Pinterest, so I'll just stop there, but I can't wait to get my hands on all the decorations I've got tucked away in my basement {if I can find them that is}.

This weekend is packed full of fall fun, and I can't wait. Lots of football, family, & friends, a trip to the apple orchard and a birthday party. It's exactly what I need after this very long week.

Have a great weekend all!

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