
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Birthday Preview

So, a big part of what I do for my work is event planning, and I love it. I had a blast planning our wedding, and I'll take just about any opportunity I can get to host a party or figure out all the little details. It makes me giddy inside. Yes, I realize I'm a freak.

Here's a preview of the birthday party I'm planning for my nephew, who will turn 5 on February 14:

Fast food birthday? Well, not exactly. Let's just say it's the kid version of a "pit stop." Michael loves all things cars, and I wanted to stick with that theme while being a little creative. As I get pieces made I'll be sure to post pictures, and of course, party pictures and the little man's reaction.

I'm such a lucky auntie, to have my awesome nephew (along with all my other nieces and nephews!) Cannot wait to celebrate properly in just a few days!!

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