
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aisle Runners

Hi all,

A few weeks back, I talked about Vogt Design Co. and all the things I've been doing. And then I never updated it because I got so busy actually doing those things. Seems like that's how my life goes these days. So, here's a little taste of what's been going on...

I posted my custom aisle runners in my Etsy shop this morning. Here's a few pictures of examples:

The two pictures above are from my own wedding (photography by Kristin Parr)...of course, they're two of my favorites!

I also have been creating monograms to go along with these. Here's just a few of what I've come up with:

Essentially, I'm offering clients the opportunity to either submit wedding monogram or create one with me. Once we have a finalized monogram, I can work from it to create a custom aisle runner for their wedding.

I will say that in my experience with my own wedding, I was very detail oriented. I focused a lot of my planning time on creating the details that, in total, would make up the whole picture. For as much as I did, the thing I get the most compliments and comments on is my aisle runner. It's something that's unexpected and can add a real sense of personalization to the ceremony.

One of the things I love most about working with wedding creations, whether it's invitations or other stationery or aisle runners is that it's a completely unique creation. You'll never see anything like it anywhere else, and once the day is done, the flowers have wilted, the cake has been cut...you'll still have these items as reminders.  

If you or someone you know might be interested in one of these runners, check out my Etsy listing. Hopefully there will be many more wedding goodies listed after this weekend!


  1. Hi my name is Raquel, I love the Aisle runner idea... I specially like the JM one, the only thing that mine would have to have the initials RW. How can I buy one of this? I tried to do it under Etsy, but not sure how? I am getting married in May 2011

  2. Hi Raquel,

    Sorry, I just saw your comment today. Email me and I will be happy to create a custom listing for you on Etsy (and give you directions on how to purchase it). I didn't see an email attached to your blogger profile or I would contact you directly. My email address is vogtdesignco@gmail.com.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!
